Saturday, February 25, 2017

My First Experience at a Salt Float

 February 25, 2017

Today I first experienced a salt float. My girlfriend had alerted me to a salt float facility that was opening up in my city. She had never done it, but she is very into therapeudic methods and detox options. I am not too interested in learning about things like this, but I was open and curious about this when she told me about it and I agreed to it without hesitation.

Today we had our appointment. The first weird thing was a sign that read “take off shoes before entering.” There was also great tea available. I took advantage of the lavender tea. It was very good, it’s been a while since I’ve had it.
Getting to the float, we were shown to a room with a bath and a shower. We showered beforehand, and then entered the tub for 90 minutes.
The weirdest part of the experience was floating EFFORTLESSLY in the salt tub (in 12 inches of water), in the dark and silence. I felt like I was in an exotic dark cavern, all by myself, floating in a few inches of water. I put a pillow under my neck and just relaxed and tried to focus on the silence and my breathing. I could practice meditation, which I have a hard time doing because I am always distracted by something. We talked a little at the beginning but mostly just lay there quietly in the dark. I was almost able to relax but I remained tense because I was worried about getting the salty water in my ears, even though I was wearing molded plugs. I have a narrow ear canal in my right ear. It is narrow and crooked and is easily infected, so spent a lot of time positioning myself so water would not get into my ears.
The facility was very clean and comfortable. There was complimentary lotion, wipes, cotton swabs and even contact lens cases and solution for people (including me) who need to take out their lenses before entering the bath.

I am writing this many hours later. My hands feel a little dry but my skin is mostly soft. I feel very good, although I am a little thirsty. Overall, I feel the salt float was very rejuvenating and I will likely do it again in a few months, maybe during a stressful time to help my body relax.

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